aquatint, edition of 10, image 24 3/4" x 19 3/8", white paper 27"x 22 1/2", singed by the artist

aquatint, edition of 6, image 24 3/4" x 19 1/4", white paper 27 3/16" x 23 1/4", signed by the artist

aquatint, A.P., image 25 3/8" x 19 1/4", white paper 33 1/2" x 23 1/4", signed by the artist

aquatint, edition of 20, image 19" x 15", white paper 28 1/2" x 22 7/8", signed by the artist
" Maybe printmaking is my way of self-treatment or a dialogue with myself; a kind of art therapy. I do it because I must do it. One does something, even if it’s pointless, because he has to. That’s how it is. Maybe I understand myself better through printmaking, I can see myself better. Man is made not to waste time. I always go through a period when I do figurative work, people. Then it’s suddenly over and I return to a more abstract expression, I do trees, flowers. Maybe I need to take a break from people. I have always thought one should first be wise when sitting down to do some work."
Helena Horalkova | born 1955

Curator Alena Laufrova:
Helena Horálková‘s etchings, aquatints and linocuts capture natural motifs and natural scenes or offer a critique on manifestations of modern civilization. She illustrates her imagery with a pronounced expressiveness and hyperbole. In her merciless probes into the essence of ‘civilized society’, she contemplates the fate and future of mankind. Man is depicted as a negligible part of human masses stranded in unfortunate development. The presented prints showcase her robust drawing, dynamic forms, and critical attitude.