color aquatint, edition of 40, signed by the artist

color aquatint, edition of 40, signed by the artist

9Starý a Nový zákon0 color aquatint, edition of 20, signed by the artist

color aquatint, signed by the artist

(Variace v prostoru) color aquatint, edition of 40, signed by the artist
„I see no boundary between printmaking and painting, especially in color printmaking. Prior to working on a color etching I do a pastel drawing, which is spontaneous. Translating the pastel into a print is more a technical work. It‘s not easy to maintain the soft look of pastel in the print; the metal plate, stylus or needle are hard materials, and so making corrections is not as easy as with pastel. It is the idea that is crucial, even though it doesn’t guarantee success.
I see art and creation as a unique triangle: visual arts, poetry – literature, and music above them; they share some common space with a common denominator. I distinguish between art and creation – I don’t consider all that has been created as art. Creation as such is limitless. Everything is allowed; what was true yesterday is not true today. However, only what is true can stand the test of time.”
Pavel Sukdolak | born 1925

Curator Alena Laufrova:
Pavel Sukdolak uses etching and colored aquatint, printing his works himself. He creates prints of refined color combination with compositions consisting of symbols, signs and structures. Sukdolák tirelessly seeks and records in a unique way endless natural and cosmic changes. He also deals with motifs from the Old and New Testaments. He lures the viewer into his world of mysterious stories and encrypted messages from the present and the past. There is nothing unintentional in his prints, as he creates them based on preparatory color pastel drawings.
Pavel Sukdolak is one of the prominent Czech printmakers for whom spirituality is an integral part of his artistic expression.